• Elevate Your Festive Spirit with Prodolce’s Vegan-Friendly Sparkling Wines

    As the festive season unfolds in the UK, searching for the perfect celebratory drink becomes a delightful quest. Prodolce offers a vegan-friendly and unique blend of tradition, taste, and ethical considerations.

    A Toast to Tradition and Innovation

    Prodolce stands at the intersection of time-honoured winemaking traditions and modern, ethical practices.

    Each bottle of Prodolce sparkling wine is a testament to this harmonious blend. The winery’s commitment to vegan-friendly processes is not just a nod to contemporary preferences but a deep respect for diverse consumer choices.

    The Vegan-Friendly Difference

    What sets Prodolce apart in the sparkling wine arena is its dedication to vegan-friendly production methods.

    Traditional winemaking often involves animal-derived products. Prodolce ensures that every step, from grape harvesting to bottling, adheres to vegan standards.

    This commitment is not just about inclusivity but also about maintaining purity and quality in every glass.

    Flavour Profile: A Symphony of Tastes

    Prodolce’s sparkling wine is renowned for its delicate yet complex flavour profile. Crafted from select Italian grapes, this wine offers refreshing and decadent tastes.

    Notes of ripe fruits, subtle spices, and a hint of sweetness characterise this sparkling treasure, making it perfect for any festive occasion.

    Pairing Perfection: Food and Wine Harmony

    One of the joys of Prodolce sparkling wine is its versatility in pairings.

    Whether it’s a traditional British Christmas dinner or a modern vegan feast, this wine complements various flavours.

    Prodolce’s balanced acidity and subtle sweetness make it an ideal match for everything from savoury roasts to sweet desserts.

    Celebrating British Festivities with Italian Flair

    While Prodolce’s roots are firmly Italian, its appeal is undoubtedly global. In the UK, where the festive season blends tradition and modernity,

    Prodolce’s sparkling wine brings Italian flair. It is the perfect accompaniment to British celebrations, adding a sparkle of Mediterranean sunshine to the festivities.

    glass of prodolce on a table with food

    The Gift of Good Taste

    Prodolce sparkling wine is not just for toasting; it makes an excellent gift, too. With their elegant packaging and vegan-friendly credentials, they are a thoughtful and sophisticated choice for anyone looking to impress with a tasteful and ethical gift.

    A New Year’s Resolution: Drink Better, Not More

    As we look towards the New Year, Prodolce’s range offers a resolution everyone can keep: to drink better, not more.

    Their sparkling wine is about savouring quality and craftsmanship, a reminder that the best things in life are to be enjoyed responsibly and with appreciation.

    Conclusion: Raise a Glass to Refined Revelry

    In conclusion, Prodolce’s vegan-friendly sparkling wine is more than just a drink; it celebrates refined taste, ethical production, and sustainable living.

    This festive season, as you raise a glass with friends and family, let Prodolce add a sparkle to your celebrations, embodying the spirit of joy, inclusivity, and responsible indulgence.

    Contact us if you want to know more.

  • Savour the Sweetness: A Deep Dive into the Delicate Flavours of Prodolce Wines

    In the world of sparkling wines, the quest for a perfect balance of sweetness and sophistication is a journey of taste and tradition. Prodolce, with its roots deeply embedded in the rich soil of Italian winemaking heritage, presents a delightful exploration of this balance.

    This article delves into the subtle flavours that make Prodolce both a drink and an experience to savour.

    The Essence of Prodolce’s Flavour

    Prodolce’s sparkling wines are a testament to the art of winemaking. Each sip offers a harmonious blend of sweetness and complexity.

    The secret lies in the selection of grapes – Garganega and Moscato.

    These grapes, known for their aromatic profiles, lend Prodolce wines their signature sweetness, complemented by a refreshing lightness.

    Garganega: The Backbone of Elegance

    Garganega, a grape varietal indigenous to the Veneto region, forms the backbone of Prodolce’s sparkling wines.

    It imparts a delicate bouquet of pear and almond notes, creating a subtle yet profound flavour profile. This grape is instrumental in achieving the light quality that Prodolce is celebrated for.

    people drinking prodolce at dinner party

    Moscato: A Symphony of Sweetness

    Moscato, another key component, adds a fruity sweetness reminiscent of honeysuckle and honeydew. Its contribution is crucial in crafting the demi-sec character of Prodolce wines.

    The Moscato grape brings a natural sweetness that is never overpowering, ensuring a balanced and enjoyable drinking experience.

    A Taste Journey: From Vineyard to Glass

    The journey of Prodolce wines from vineyard to glass is a story of passion and precision.

    The grapes are harvested at the peak of their ripeness, ensuring the perfect level of sugar and acidity. This careful timing is crucial in preserving the natural sweetness and freshness of the grapes.

    Winemaking: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

    In the winery, tradition meets innovation. The winemaking process is a delicate balance of respecting age-old techniques while embracing modern technology.

    This approach ensures that each bottle of Prodolce captures the essence of its grape varietals while maintaining a consistent quality.

    The Flavour Profile: A Palette of Sensations

    On the palate, Prodolce wines are a combination of different tones. The initial taste is a gentle sweetness wave followed by a cascade of fruity flavours.

    Notes of mandarin orange and citrus-laced fruits dance on the tongue, creating a lively yet refined-tasting experience.

    Pairing Prodolce: Enhancing Culinary Delights

    Prodolce wines are versatile in pairings, enhancing a variety of culinary delights.

    Their subtle sweetness makes them an excellent companion to spicy dishes, balancing the heat with their refreshing character. They also pair beautifully with desserts, complementing the sweetness without overpowering the palate.

    prodolce bottle on table

    Celebrating Moments with Prodolce

    Whether it’s a toast at a wedding, a quiet evening at home, or a gathering with friends, Prodolce adds a touch of elegance and joy. Its delightful sweetness and sparkling character make every occasion memorable.

    Sustainability: A Commitment to the Future

    Prodolce’s commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of its production.

    From environmentally friendly farming practices to sustainable packaging, Prodolce is dedicated to preserving the planet for future generations of wine lovers.

    Conclusion: A Journey of Flavour and Joy

    In conclusion, Prodolce wines offer a journey into the world of delicate flavours and refined sweetness. Each bottle celebrates the Italian winemaking tradition, crafted with care and passion.

    So, the next time you uncork a bottle of Prodolce, take a moment to savour the sweetness and the intricate flavours that make it a genuinely unique sparkling wine.

    Get in touch with our team today for more information.

  • The Perfect Pour: How Glass Shape Influences Your Prodolce Experience

    Greetings, aficionados of effervescence!

    Our topic today?

    The marriage between our beloved Prodolce and the myriad of glasses available.

    Indeed, every fine sparkling wine deserves an equally exquisite vessel, and our Prodolce is no exception.

    A Brief History of Glassware

    The origins of glassware trace back to ancient civilizations (all the way back to Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE), where they were largely a symbol of status. 

    The Romans, prolific glassmakers, likely had some form of glass vessels for drinking wine, but it would have been most common for wine to be consumed from metal or wooden vessels, during this time.

    The Renaissance, however, marked a turning point for glassware. With advancements in glassmaking techniques, the production of glass vessels became more widespread. Stem and a foot wine glasses first appeared in the late 16th century, and caught on quickly with wine enthusiasts due to the ease with which they could now appreciate the colour and/or clarity of the wine.

    In the 17th and 18th centuries, the shape of wine glasses continued to evolve. Glasses with a wider bowl for red wines and a narrower bowl for white wines were increasingly produced.

    Finally, the development of crystal glass in the 18th century added brilliance and clarity to glassware, making it even more popular among the upper class. With the understanding that the shape of a glass can directly influence the perception of aromas and flavour.

    Fast forward to today, we’re now spoilt for choice. There exists a wide variety of wine glasses available, each designed to enhance the unique characteristics of different wine styles. 

    Thus, with choice comes the responsibility to pick right — especially when pouring a bottle as distinctively delicious as our Prodolce Italian sparkling wine (pictured above)!

    The Elegant Flute

    There’s a reason the flute is synonymous with sparkling wines.

    Its tall and slender design showcases the bubble trails of Prodolce beautifully. The narrow opening captures the wine’s delicate aromas, letting the subtle notes of pear, mandarin orange, and honeysuckle flirt with your senses.

    When enjoying Prodolce from a flute, you’re not just tasting the wine; you’re enveloped by the sheer occasion that each bubbly sip from the right flute glass can provide. 

    The Coupe: An Ode to Gatsby-esque Glamour

    The coupe, with its shallow and broad bowl, screams vintage charm.

    Its design allows the wine to breathe, emphasizing the breadth of aromas. But, because of the larger surface area, the bubbles in your Prodolce might play a quicker encore before retiring.

    Yet, if you’re a fan of aromatic richness, the coupe could very well be your glass du jour.

    Tulip Glass: The Unsung Hero

    Somewhere between the flute and the coupe lies the tulip glass.

    Its wider middle and narrowed top aim to combine the best of both worlds.

    It gives Prodolce’s bubbles room to play while retaining its fragrance. It is an excellent choice for those undecided between the flute and the coupe.

    Prodolce’s Unique Personality

    Our Prodolce isn’t just another sparkling wine; it’s an ode to innovation and tradition

    With a sweetness that nestles uniquely between a vast range of drier sparkling wines, Prodolce offers an unparalleled, subtely sweeter tasting experience.

    Given its sheer delectability, Prodolce calls for a glass that complements its complexity and history.

    people saying cheers with sparkling wine

    How the Right Glass Enhances Flavour

    The shape of a wine glass affects the wine’s contact with the air, influencing how its aromas are released, and for how long the bubbles of a sparkling wine are maintained.

    With Prodolce’s nuanced profile, the right glass can enhance the notes of honeydew, citrus-laced fruits, and its gentle sweetness, making every sip an event to savour.

    The Final Toast

    Our journey with Prodolce, from its conception at the bar of a wedding to its reality today, has been one of equal parts passion and precision.

    Just as we were particular about using the finest Garganega & Moscato grapes and keeping the alcohol content just right, we encourage you to be discerning in your choice of glassware — but to ultimately go with whatever it is you most like!

    Always remember this Prodolce mantra in parting: “Life is too fleeting for anything but the best — be it the wine you drink or the glass you drink it from.”

    To moments of sparkle, legacy, and unparalleled joy.


    Want to know more? Then get in touch with our team today, or why not try Prodolce for yourself, by purchasing one of our two packs or cases of six bottles?

  • The Anatomy of a Bubble: Why Prodolce’s Effervescence Stands Out

    Ah, bubbles!

    Those tiny, effervescent spheres dance merrily in our glasses, teasing our senses and adding magic to every sip.

    It’s no wonder that, across the world, sparkling wines have become synonymous with joy, celebration, and all things delightful.

    But have you ever paused mid-sip and wondered about the precise magic behind these tiny spheres? Or better yet, why do Prodolce’s bubbles stand out in a bubbly crowd?

    We’ve written this blog to help you find out, so let’s take a look.

    The Basics of Bubblology

    Before we plunge into the fizzy wonders of Prodolce, let’s get our facts straight about bubbles.

    These enchanting orbs are pockets of carbon dioxide gas trapped in the liquid.

    When pressure is released – like when you pop open a bottle – voila! Bubbles make their grand ascent.

    Size Matters (in the Bubble World!)

    First, the size.

    Not all bubbles are created equal. Some sparkling wines have large, quick-to-burst bubbles, while others, like our dear Prodolce, have smaller, persistent bubbles that gracefully rise and dance in the glass.

    The size of the bubbles often dictates the mouthfeel of the wine. Smaller bubbles create a creamy, luxurious texture that lingers, while larger bubbles can sometimes feel aggressive.

    Now, how does Prodolce achieve this optimal bubble size?

    It’s all in the Garganega & Moscato grapes blend and the careful fermentation process.

    With their rich history and perfect balance, these two grapes come together to create an effervescence that’s just right.

    prodolce wine being poured

    The Journey of a Prodolce Bubble

    From the Veneto region, the heartland of Prosecco, comes Prodolce, born from a rich lineage and the architectural wonders of the Palladio-designed, UNESCO-listed family residence.

    Every bubble in Prodolce carries a piece of this heritage, and if you listen closely, perhaps tales of the past.

    Just kidding!

    But seriously, the storied history adds more depth to the Prodolce experience.

    Carbon dioxide is produced as the wine ferments, and trapped inside the bottle, it dissolves into the wine.

    When we eventually open the bottle, this dissolved carbon dioxide races to escape, creating the beloved bubbles.

    But Prodolce’s effervescence isn’t just about carbon dioxide. It’s about the balance of flavours, aromas, and, yes, the delightful 10.5% alcohol content, which ensures the bubbles are both merry and mild.

    Location, Location, Location

    Where a bubble is born in your glass also plays a part.

    Bubbles prefer to form around something – a tiny imperfection in the glass, a speck of dust, or even a fibre from your cleaning cloth.

    These ‘nucleation sites’ are launch pads for bubbles.

    In a glass of Prodolce, the consistent and numerous bubbles signal both a quality wine and a clean glass.

    A Name Whispering Sweetness

    Have you ever pondered over the delightful name Prodolce?

    Deriving from “sec” or “secco”, meaning “dry”, and the Italian word “dolce”, translating to “sweet”, this sparkling wine truly captures the essence of both realms.

    And just like its name, its bubbles strike a harmony between vibrancy and subtlety.

    These bubbles, gently sweet and persistent, enhance the hints of pear, mandarin orange, honeysuckle, and honeydew in every glass.

    Serving Bubbles at their Best

    To truly appreciate the magic of Prodolce’s effervescence, serve it super chilled.

    When sparkling wine is chilled, its solubility increases, meaning it can hold more dissolved carbon dioxide.

    So, when you pour a cold Prodolce into a glass on a warm day, the resulting bubbles are more numerous, finer, and more persistent.

    The true anatomy of a perfect bubble!

    sparkling wine

    In Conclusion…

    Bubbles, in their ethereal beauty, are science and art combined.

    They’re a testament to the winemaker’s skill and the wine’s quality. And in the case of Prodolce, they’re a reflection of a rich heritage, a unique blend of grapes, and a passion for creating a sparkling wine that exists in a category of its own.

    So, the next time you pop open a bottle of Prodolce, take a moment to appreciate the bubbles.

    Observe their size, journey to the surface, and how they transform the wine’s taste and aroma.

    Here’s to the magic of bubbles and the unparalleled effervescence of Prodolce.

    Cheers to every fizzy moment!

    Want to know more? Then contact our team today.

  • Sip, Mix, and Sparkle: Crafting Prodolce Cocktails for Sweet Moments

    Picture this: a warm summer evening, friends gathered on your rooftop terrace, and the sun setting in a burst of colours.

    You reach for a bottle of Prodolce, the sweet sensation changing the game of sparkling wines.

    Prodolce isn’t just your average bubbly; it’s a versatile, subtly sweet elixir begging to be the star of your next cocktail soirée. 

    1. “Prodolce Fizz-Tini: A Sweet Prelude to Any Night” 

    Prodolce was born to be more than just a sip; it catalyses creativity.

    Kick off your evening with a ‘Prodolce Fizz-Tini,’ a cocktail that combines the charm of a Martini with the sweetness of Prodolce.

    Mix Prodolce with a splash of elderflower liqueur and garnish with a twist of lemon. Voilà! You have an enchanting drink to set the tone for an unforgettable night. 

    2. “Prodolce Sunrise: Wake Up to Sparkling Bliss” 

    Who says cocktails are only for the evening?

    Embrace the ‘Prodolce Sunrise’ as your brunch companion.

    Combine Prodolce with freshly squeezed orange juice for a morning drink that’s as delightful as it is refreshing.

    Add a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry to make it Instagram-worthy. 

    sparkling wine cocktails

    3. “Prodolce Breeze: A Tropical Escape in a Glass”  

    Transport yourself to a tropical paradise with the ‘Prodolce Breeze.’

    Blend Prodolce with pineapple juice and coconut cream for a smooth, exotic treat.

    Serve it over ice and garnish with a pineapple slice and a paper umbrella for the whole island experience. 

    4. “Prodolce Passion Fizz: A Toast to Love and Laughter”  

    Planning a romantic evening with your significant other?

    The ‘Prodolce Passion Fizz’ is here to set the mood.

    Mix Prodolce with a splash of passion fruit puree, and watch the sparks fly. Add a twist of lime for that extra zing. 

    5. “Prodolce Sorbet Sparkler: A Sweet Dessert in a Glass”  

    End your meal on a high note with the ‘Prodolce Sorbet Sparkler.’

    Combine Prodolce with a scoop of mango or raspberry sorbet for a luxurious and indulgent dessert cocktail. It’s the perfect finish to a special dinner. 

    6. “Creating Your Prodolce Cocktail Creations”  

    Now that you’ve explored some delightful Prodolce cocktail recipes, why not embark on your mixology adventure? Prodolce’s subtle sweetness and lively bubbles make it an ideal base for countless cocktail experiments. 

    Consider combining Prodolce with: 

    • Freshly muddled berries for a fruity twist. 
    • A hint of lavender syrup for a fragrant, floral flavour. 
    • A splash of herbal liqueur for a sophisticated touch. 
    • Crème de cassis for a deep, berry-infused delight. 
    • A drizzle of honey for an extra layer of sweetness. 
    people drinking prodolce at dinner party

    Remember, the art of mixology  

    Prodolce isn’t just a sparkling wine; it’s a canvas for your mixology adventures.

    Whether you’re sipping it on its own, crafting these delightful cocktails, or experimenting with your concoctions, Prodolce brings sweetness, sparkle, and joy to any occasion.

    So, grab a bottle, get creative, and let the good times roll!

    Remember to enjoy Prodolce responsibly because every sip is a sweet memory in the making. Cheers!

    Additional Tips and Suggestions 

    Before we conclude our mixology journey, here are some additional tips to enhance your Prodolce cocktail experience: 

    • Always use fresh and high-quality ingredients to ensure the best flavours. 
    • Experiment with garnishes like citrus twists, fresh herbs, or edible flowers for an extra touch of elegance. 
    • Consider hosting a Prodolce cocktail-tasting party and inviting friends to create signature cocktails. 
    • Share your cocktail creations on social media and tag Prodolce for a chance to be featured on our Instagram page. 
    • Explore local markets and speciality stores for unique ingredients to elevate your cocktails to the next level. 

    With these tips and recipes in your arsenal, you’re ready to embark on a journey of flavour and fun with Prodolce cocktails. Cheers to sweet moments and unforgettable experiences!

    Want to buy a case for yourself? Then head on over to our shop. Or, if you want to speak to a member of our team, get in touch today.

  • Prodolce Tasting Notes: A Virtual Sensory Experience 

     When you uncork a bottle of Prodolce, you’re not just indulging in a sparkling wine, but embarking on a one-of-a-kind sensory adventure.

    The delicate sweetness, the hints of pear and mandarin orange, the lively bubbles – each element of Prodolce contributes to a delightful symphony of flavours and aromas.

    In this blog post, we invite you to join us for a virtual tasting experience where we explore Prodolce’s tasting notes in detail. 

    Setting the Stage 

    Before we dive into the tasting notes, let’s create the perfect setting for this virtual sensory journey.

    Find a cosy spot, pour yourself a chilled Prodolce, and grab a notebook or preferred note-taking device.

    To truly immerse yourself in the experience, consider using a wine glass that allows the aromas to flourish and the bubbles to dance gracefully. 

    Aroma: A Bouquet of Delights 

    Prodolce’s aroma is like opening a fragrant bouquet of fresh flowers on a warm spring day. As you bring your glass to your nose, take a moment to inhale the delicate scents that waft from the wine. What do you smell? 

    Close your eyes and envision the following: 

    1. Pear Blossoms: The aroma of ripe pears mingles with the soft scent of blossoming flowers, creating an inviting and refreshing atmosphere. 
    1. Mandarin Zest: A hint of mandarin orange zest adds a citrusy brightness reminiscent of a sunny citrus orchard. 
    1. Honeysuckle: Imagine the subtle sweetness of honeysuckle in the air, a delicate floral note that beckons you to take that first sip. 

    Jot down your impressions of Prodolce’s aroma. How do these scents make you feel? Do they transport you to a specific place or memory? 

    Taste: A Symphony of Flavors 

    Now, let’s explore Prodolce’s flavour profile. Take a sip of the wine, allowing it to dance on your palate. Notice how the flavours evolve and unfold. 

    Consider the following as you savour each sip: 

    1. Pear Delight: The initial taste is a burst of ripe pear, offering a sweet and juicy sensation that is both familiar and comforting. 
    1. Mandarin Magic: As the wine spreads across your tongue, the mandarin orange notes become more pronounced, adding a zesty and slightly tangy dimension. 
    1. Honeydew Harmony: Picture honeydew’s subtle, melon-like sweetness, rounding out the flavours and enhancing the overall balance. 
    1. Citrus Symphony: Towards the finish, a medley of citrus-laced fruits comes into play, leaving a refreshing and lively impression. 

    Take your time to appreciate the interplay of these flavours. Do they remind you of certain dishes or desserts? Is there a particular moment or occasion where you would love to enjoy Prodolce again? 

    Mouthfeel: Bubbles of Joy 

    The mouthfeel of Prodolce is like a playful dance of bubbles on your palate, which is why we are often seen as the perfect alternative to Champagne and prosecco. Notice the texture and effervescence as you sip. 

    Pay attention to the following sensations: 

    1. Light and Lively: Prodolce’s bubbles are fine and delicate, creating a light and effervescent sensation that dances gracefully across your tongue. 
    1. Balanced Sweetness: The subtle sweetness is neither overwhelming nor cloying, allowing you to savour the wine’s nuances. 
    1. Crisp Finish: Prodolce leaves a crisp and clean finish as you swallow, inviting you to take another sip. 

    Consider the physical sensations as you enjoy Prodolce. How do the bubbles enhance your tasting experience? Does the mouthfeel contribute to the overall enjoyment of the wine? 

    Sharing Your Tasting Notes 

    Now that you’ve taken a virtual sensory journey through Prodolce’s tasting notes, we invite you to share your impressions.

    Tasting wine is a personal experience, and each sip can evoke unique emotions and memories. Whether you’re a seasoned wine enthusiast or new to the world of tasting notes, your insights are valuable. 

    Feel free to share your Prodolce tasting notes in the comments below.

    What scents, flavours, and sensations did you discover?

    Did the wine transport you to a specific place or moment?

    Your notes can inspire others to embark on their sensory adventure with Prodolce. 

    Cheers to Sensory Exploration 

    Prodolce isn’t just a beverage; it’s an invitation to explore the senses, savour the moments, and celebrate life’s simple pleasures. We hope this virtual sensory experience has added a new layer of appreciation to your enjoyment of Prodolce. 

    The next time you pour yourself a glass of this delightful sparkling wine, fully engage your senses.

    Whether you’re sipping alone or sharing with friends, let the aroma, taste, and mouthfeel of Prodolce transport you to a world of sensory delight.

    Cheers to the magic of wine and the joy of exploration!

    If you want to give this a try, why not head over to our shop and purchase some Prodolce? Or, if you want to know more, then get in touch with our team who are always happy to help.

  • 1000s of Sparkling Wines… What’s the Difference, and Where Does Prodolce Shine?

    Pop the cork, raise your glasses, and get ready for a sparkling showdown that’s as fizzy as a burst of laughter at a comedy club!

    We’re diving into the delightful world of bubbly beverages.

    So – without further ado – let’s clink our glasses and embark on this fizzy adventure together…

    The Classic Champagne Charm

    Ah, Champagne – the name alone sounds like a celebration!

    Picture clinking glasses in a grand ballroom, with elegant chandeliers illuminating the room and the sound of merry toasts filling the air.

    This sparkling superstar hails from the Champagne region of France, and it’s like the charismatic host of the fizzy world.

    It’s made using a labour-intensive method called méthode champenoise, where the secondary fermentation occurs in the bottle, creating those signature tiny bubbles that dance on your tongue.

    There’s no doubt that Champagne is a top player if you’re looking for luxury, sophistication, and a dash of panache.

    From toasting milestones to being the ultimate companion for caviar, Champagne sets the gold standard for dry sparkling wines – accompanied, of course, by a Champagne price tag too!

    champagne being poured into tower of glasses

    Prosecco: The Italian Flirt

    Now, let’s swivel our compass to the charming vineyards of Italy, where Prosecco is the life of the party.

    Prosecco is like that spontaneous friend who’s always up for an impromptu road trip or a dance-off at a beach bonfire. It hails from the Veneto region and is made using the Charmat method, where the second fermentation happens in a large tank before being bottled.

    The tricky part with Prosecco is that it isn’t just one thing.

    With bottles ranging from one end of the quality spectrum to the other, and varying drastically in price, it can be hard to know exactly what you’re getting when you order that oh-so-ambiguous house Prosecco.

    Versatile? Yes.

    Consistent? Well, that all depends!

    champagne glasses with rings in

    Enter Prodolce – The Captivating Contender:

    Now, imagine a wine that’s like a fusion of the best of both worlds – Champagne’s elegance and Prosecco’s all-occasions adaptability.

    Ladies and gentlemen, let us introduce you to Prodolce, the vegan sparkling wine about to add a brilliant shine to your palate’s party!

    Prodolce, the brainchild of our founders, Luigi and Jason, and the perfect option for those in search of something a little different, a littler sweeter, and 100% unforgettable in taste.

    With a harmonious combination of traditional and modern winemaking techniques, Prodolce boasts Champagne’s crispness and effervescence while embracing Prosecco’s playful character.

    Now, we’re talking about a sparkling wine that is truly loved by all (Prosecco and Champagne haters – we see you – and we prescribe a glass of our delicate Prodolce, guaranteed to change your mind)!

    What sets Prodolce apart is not only its dedication to delivering top-notch quality without pomp and circumstance, but its novel approach to creating a drink that everyone truly likes.  

    It’s the wine you reach for when you want to impress effortlessly – like the bottled equivalent of a little black dress.

    Whether you’re celebrating a promotion, hosting a barbecue, or simply enjoying a quiet evening at home, Prodolce is the sparkling companion for every occasion that shines right alongside you.

    prodolce bottles on table at dinner party

    Where Our Sparkling Wine Fits In

    In the epic battle of Prosecco vs Champagne, we’ve witnessed the clash of elegance and playfulness, tradition and innovation.

    But just as the curtains are about to fall, Prodolce steps into the spotlight like the protagonist of a heart-warming tale, proving that it’s possible to have the best of both worlds in a single bottle, with the added twist of perfected sweetness.

    So, the next time you find yourself torn between Champagne’s timeless allure and Prosecco’s carefree charm, remember that there’s a sparkling hero waiting in the wings – Prodolce.

    With its exceptional blend of flavours and a personality that’s impossible to resist, Prodolce is the wine that turns every moment into a celebration.

    Raise your glass, toast to life, and let the bubbles take you on a journey that’s as light-hearted and fun as a summer breeze.

    Cheers to Prosecco, cheers to Champagne, and big, sparkling cheers to Prodolce – the true star of the fizzy party!

    Want to know more? Why not get in touch with our team today, or order a pack of 2 or case of 6 of Prodolce to try the taste for yourself.

  • Why Sparkling Wine is the Perfect Meal Accompaniment

    Ladies and gentlemen, foodies and wine enthusiasts, gather ’round as we embark on a culinary journey that’s as effervescent as the bubbles in your favourite glass of sparkling wine!

    Picture this: a table adorned with delectable dishes, laughter filling the air, and glasses of sparkling wine that clink like a chorus of merriment.

    We’re here to unravel the delicious secrets behind why sparkling wine, particularly the enchanting Prodolce, isn’t just a drink – the ultimate gourmet sidekick transforms every meal into an unforgettable experience.

    So, prepare your taste buds for a symphony of flavours and join us as we dive into the delightful world of pairing sparkling wine with your favourite eats.

    The Prelude to Perfection: Why Sparkling Wine?

    Before we dig into the juicy details, let’s address the burning question:

    Why sparkling wine?

    Well, dear reader, imagine your taste buds stepping onto a dance floor, and each sip of vegan sparkling wine is like a graceful waltz that complements every bite.

    Those effervescent bubbles aren’t just there for show; they serve a flavourful purpose.

    The refreshing acidity and delicate fizz cleanse your palate between bites, ensuring that every morsel is savoured anew. It’s like a culinary reset button, setting the stage for a culinary escapade that entices and delights.

    Prodolce: The Culinary Chameleon

    Now, let’s shine the spotlight on our star of the evening: Prodolce sparkling wine.

    If this wine were a person, it would be that charming friend who effortlessly mingles with everyone at a party, making each person feel like the guest of honour.

    Prodolce is the chameleon of the wine world – versatile, dynamic, and oh-so-delicious.

    With its harmonious blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern flair, Prodolce is your go-to accomplice for culinary adventures.

    Its crispness, lively bubbles, and balanced sweetness create a symphony of flavours that elevate every dish. Whether indulging in a casual picnic, hosting a lavish dinner party, or treating yourself to a cosy night in, Prodolce steps up to the plate (pun intended) with a charisma that’s hard to resist.

    Salad Soiree: The Fresh Affair

    Let’s start light, shall we?

    Picture a colourful salad brimming with vibrant greens, juicy fruits, and a drizzle of tangy vinaigrette.

    Now, enter Prodolce – the ultimate wingman for this fresh affair.

    Its effervescence and zesty undertones harmonize with the salad’s textures and flavours, creating a refreshing medley that dances on your taste buds. It’s like a garden party in your mouth, with each bite and sip enhancing the other’s natural vibrancy.

    Main Course Tango: Meat, Seafood, and Beyond

    Now, let’s turn up the heat with the main course – where Prodolce truly shows off its culinary prowess.

    Whether savouring a succulent steak, relishing a delicate piece of grilled fish, or even indulging in a decadent vegetarian masterpiece, Prodolce is the perfect partner for a tantalizing tango of tastes.

    The wine’s delicate bubbles and balanced sweetness act as a palate-cleansing partner, ensuring that every bite of your main dish is as captivating as the last.

    It’s like a graceful dance between flavours, where the wine’s effervescence enhances the richness of the dish, and the dish’s textures amplify the wine’s complexity.

    It’s a gastronomic love story that unfolds with each sip and forkful, leaving you craving more.

    Decadent Desserts: A Sweet Finale

    Ah, dessert – the grand finale of any meal.

    Here’s where Prodolce shines, transforming your sweet escapade into a symphony of indulgence.

    Imagine biting into a luscious piece of chocolate cake or a velvety fruit tart and then taking a sip of Prodolce.

    The wine’s delicate bubbles and subtle sweetness intertwine with the dessert’s flavours, creating an exquisite, divine harmony.

    Prodolce’s ability to elevate desserts isn’t just magic; it’s science.

    The wine’s effervescence acts as a textural contrast, cutting through the richness of the dessert and leaving your palate refreshed and ready for the next spoonful of delight.

    It’s like a decadent dance party where your taste buds are the honoured guests.

    The Epicurean Experience: Where Every Bite Counts

    As our sparkling journey through the world of culinary pairings comes to a close, one thing is abundantly clear: Prodolce is more than a sparkling wine – it’s an invitation to create lasting memories around the table.

    With its versatility, charm, and ability to enhance every dish as a great champagne or Prosecco alternative, Prodolce has earned its place as the perfect mealtime companion.

    So, whether you’re enjoying a casual lunch with friends on a warm day, indulging in a gourmet feast, or treating yourself to a solo culinary adventure, don’t forget to reach for a bottle of Prodolce, the perfect drink for every occasion.

    With every pop of the cork and every delightful sip, you’re not just enjoying a drink – you’re elevating your dining experience to a new level.

    Prodolce isn’t just a wine; it’s the key to unlocking a world of culinary delights that will leave you craving another sip, bite, and unforgettable meal.

    Cheers to the art of pairing, the magic of sparkling wine, and the joy of savouring every moment.

    Looking to purchase some Prodolce for yourself, get a pack of 2 bottles, or case of 6 right here.

  • Prodolce: The Playful Dry Wine Alternative That’ll Make Your Bubbles Pop!

    Hey there, sparkling wine aficionados!

    Get ready to indulge in a fizzy adventure that will leave you giggling with delight.

    Move over, dry wines, because Prodolce is about to steal the show!

    With its cheeky charm, subtle sweetness, and one-of-a-kind flavour, Prodolce is the perfect alternative for those seeking sparkling white wine with a twist.

    Buckle up and join us on this playful journey as we unveil why Prodolce deserves the spotlight.

    How it all began…

    Imagine two friends, Jason and Luigi, clinking glasses well past bedtime at a wedding’s bustling bar.

    An idea burst forth like bubbles in a champagne flute in this magical moment. They dreamt of creating a wine that danced between the realms of Cava, Champagne and Prosecco, catering to the cravings of those with a penchant for a sweeter sip.

    We then partnered with an esteemed Italian wine producer known for crafting top-notch, lip-smacking wines to make their dream a reality.

    sparkling wine

    The Prodolce Difference

    You might be wondering about the mischievous name behind this effervescent elixir.

    While dry wines are represented by their “sec,” “secco” or “brut” titles, Prodolce takes a cheeky detour with a subtly sweet flavour profile:

    Pro (in favour of) & Dolce (sweet). Hence “Prodolce” was born!

    It’s a labour of love, a mischievous play on words, and a sparkling sensation that dares to carve out its unique space in the market.

    Crafted with a Wink and a Smile

    Prodolce’s irresistible taste and aromatic magic come from a playful blend of two highly beloved (although rarely combined!) Italian grape varieties: Garganega and Moscato.

    The result? A symphony of flavours that will make your taste buds dance the fandango!

    Garganega brings a crispness and delicate acidity, while Moscato adds a touch of floral and fruity charm.

    Together, they create a harmonious balance where subtle sweetness meets lively bubbles, resulting in a sensation that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

    And guess what? We’ve even kept the alcohol content at a sensible 10.5% and kept the beverage 100% vegan. Bravo!

    Unleash Your Inner Sparkle

    Prodolce isn’t just a sparkling wine; it’s a sparkling adventure waiting to happen.

    Whether you’re hosting a weekend brunch bonanza, celebrating a special occasion, or simply indulging in some “me” time, Prodolce is the life of the party.

    It’s like having a best friend who’s always there to put a smile on your face, no matter the occasion.

    So, grab a bottle, pop it open, and let the bubbly magic ignite your spirit!

    Breaking Barriers & Captivating Hearts

    Prodolce provides a wine that defies conventions and captures the hearts of those who seek something extraordinary.

    It’s not just a beverage; it’s a state of mind, a moment of sheer delight under a warm sun.

    By choosing Prodolce, you’re joining a league of adventurous wine enthusiasts who revel in the art of discovery and the joy of embracing life’s little pleasures.

    Let’s raise a glass to unforgettable experiences and create memories that sparkle like Prodolce’s effervescent bubbles.

    Final Toast

    As you enter the sparkling wine wonderland, let Prodolce be your playful alternative to drier wines.

    With mischievous charm, subtle sweetness, and captivating bubbles, Prodolce promises a journey like no other.

    So, don’t hold back – let your taste buds frolic in the whimsical world of Prodolce’s flavours, no matter what the occasion is.

    Enjoy it responsibly and savour each sip like a secret shared among friends.

    Here’s to Prodolce, the sparkling white wine that will make your bubbles pop, and your heart skip a beat—because life is too short to sip ordinary! Cheers!

    Want to try some for yourself? Then head over to our shop to have some heading your way today. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our team, who are always happy to help.

  • 5 Fizz-tastic Occasions to Pop Some Prodolce!

    When it comes to sparkling wine, there’s no better way to add a little fizz and sparkle to your celebrations.

    Enter Prodolce, a delightful bubbly that dances between the realms of Champagne and Prosecco.

    With its subtle sweetness and effervescent charm, Prodolce is a wine lover’s dream.

    Join us as we uncork five fabulous occasions where Prodolce is the perfect companion, giving you all the more reason to raise your glass and savour the moment!


    Let’s Get Bubbly!

    Ah, weddings! The perfect blend of love, laughter, and happily-ever-afters.

    What better time to pop the cork on some Prodolce? Raise your glasses high and toast to the newlyweds with this enchanting nectar.

    Prodolce’s delicate sweetness and vivacious bubbles will have everyone in a state of pure wedding bliss.

    Let the love flow as freely as the sparkling wine.


    Celebrate Love on the Fizz-nth Level!

    Milestone anniversaries call for something extraordinary, and Prodolce is here to make it extra special.

    Raise a glass and clink to the years of shared memories and unconditional love. Prodolce’s balanced flavours and gentle effervescence will tickle your taste buds and make each sip a delightful reminder of your journey together.

    Love is in the air, and it’s sparkling!


    Age Is Just a Number; Love for Bubbles Is Forever!

    Birthdays are like fine wine—they get better with time. So, why not celebrate another trip around the sun with a glass of Prodolce?

    Let the bubbles tickle your nose as you raise your glass high and toast to another year of joy, laughter, and endless possibilities.

    Prodolce’s tantalizing fizz and subtle sweetness will make every birthday sparkle like never before!

    Festive Holidays

    Sip, Sip, Hooray! ‘Tis the season to be jolly and indulge in the fizzy delights of Prodolce!

    Whether gathering around the Christmas tree or counting down to the New Year, this effervescent beauty is the perfect companion for your festive celebrations.

    Its refined flavours and lively bubbles will add an extra touch of magic to the holiday spirit.

    Spread cheer, clink glasses, and let the festivities begin!

    Romantic Evenings At Home

    Love, Laughter, and a Glass of Fizz!

    Picture this: a cosy candlelit dinner, soft music playing in the background, and you and your special someone sharing a moment of pure romance.

    Prodolce sets the stage for an enchanting evening. Its subtle sweetness and effervescent charm create a symphony of flavours that dance on your palate.

    With every sip, let the romance bloom and the love bubble over. Cheers, to love and laughter!

    Sparkling Wine For Every Occasion

    Prodolce is the vegan sparkling wine adds a touch of magic to your celebrations.

    Its fizzy charm and delightful flavours make it the perfect partner for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, festive holidays, and romantic evenings under the sun.

    So, pop the cork, let the bubbles flow, and raise your glass to moments that sparkle with joy and laughter.

    Always savour Prodolce responsibly (and in the right way) and enjoy the fizzy journey to the fullest.

    Cheers to life’s little celebrations!

    Why not head over to our shop today and get yourself some Prodolce to enjoy? And if you do have any questions, get in touch with our team who are always happy to help.